Meet Sakhr our District's Global Grants Scholar from Yemen who is currently studying at the University of Otago.

Global Grants support large international activities with sustainable, measureable outcomes in Rotary’s area of Focus Grant sponsors form international partnerships that respond to real community needs. The Foundation’s World Fund provides a minimum of $15,000 and maximum of $200,000 which must be matched by sponsors of the grant.
I am the new Global Grant Scholar at the University of Otago, doing my masters in Peace and Conflict studies. I am originally from Yemen, I did my undergrad however, at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. Post undergrad I interned with the Human RIghts Watch for 6 months and now I am here.
I am really looking forward to meeting as many Rotarians as I can!
My cell number is: 021193805;
Extract from Sakhr's Blog
Okay so it’s time! I am leaving the U.S. today and if this new beginning is anything like my past experiences with “new Beginnings” then it should be great, more than great. The only thing is that this time the transition came at a stage where I am not really ready for the next chapter, emotionally stuck. Although I know that had I stayed just a tiny bit longer, I would want to leave. This feeling of being just stuck in between two worlds is not pleasant, not at all.